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Can make a change.



Make a movement.


What if we've had it all wrong & there's more to true success & living than we know?

If you’re just looking for a new planner, one perhaps with a new layout or special stickers or strategic development for your business- there are several amazing ones on the market that I can refer to - but if you’re ready to truly examine your relationship with time and how you want to lead your life and how you steward your time than let’s journey together for a bit.

Time is a Constant

How we choose to spend it reflects our priorities, or the lack there of.

Launch Your Life

Rebel against systems that have held you back and launch into a life you love.

The Time Rebel is a cultural movement designed to equip individuals to break free from the rat race of performance, stress and survival mode and step into a new dimension of abundant living - fully aligned with your true identity and purpose allowing you to live from a posture of freedom, spiritual authority and increasing influence.

Survival mode is a zone that we as humans seem to be fine shifting gears into - we put a badge of honor on it and call it grit. The richest growth spurts we go through are often out of such opportunities that both challenge and stretch us to show up different.  Yet while we shift I to survival mode with ease, getting out of it is a different story. As a coach for almost two decades I’ve witnessed powerful, amazing and brilliant people get minimized and sacrificed in survival mode.  Just like the stages of grief there are stages of survival mode… see if any of these resonate with you:

Get it done no matter the cost - driven by responsibility

Light at the end of the tunnel - hope to hang on

Comfortably numb - slowly calibrating to a new reality (frog in the pot)

Denial - the new normal

What if, being armed with this information and perhaps a new perspective, you could be more shrewd and wise navigating life’s challenges? What if there is an alternative way that helps you learn and prepare to take a stand in the hard seasons - but sets you up to not shift into survival mode?

That is just one of the benefits of the Time Rebel philosophy that I want to share with you. For decades our culture has been trained under a counterfeit model that tells us if we can plan our day as on paper from 6am-10pm we are managing and leading ourselves well.  I call B.S. on the whole sham! From my own personal experiences to the hundreds of leaders I’ve coached over the years this flimsy counterfeit, though widely recognized, implemented and reproduced - has merely set people up with a false sense of success that has left them in the striving of survival mode; producing insecurities, comparisons, doubts, fears and an overall sense of worthlessness.  They make their plan on Sunday and by Friday they are still beating themselves up for what they didn’t accomplish on Monday? Is that you? So many of us enjoy making to do lists, but if they become a whipping post of our shortcomings and failures and create more of a setback than a set up, I think it’s time to find a healthier more empowering and motivating process!

The Time Rebel is a 4-phase process that is never ending, but ever increasing as it supports your unique identity and purpose, unfolding your customized strategy and roadmap for the life you are meant to live.

Paradigm Shift: Recognizing the Reality & Role of Time

Fresh Foundations: My Identity. My Purpose. My Time.

Daily Freedom: 7-Time Keys For Abundant Living

Lead Time, Lead Change: Time Rebel Movement

If you are reading this you’ve come to a fork in the road… or if you like, picture yourself in the Matrix, today is your day of decision will you take the blue pill and carry on with life as you’ve known it, or will you choose the red pill and pursue TRUTH and follow the white rabbit? The Time Rebel has been birthed out of my own revelation and renaissance - a long process of deep healing, growth and wisdom. Before you now, is an invitation to discover you at your best and to be part of a cultural movement for healthy change. Breaking up with beliefs, practices and habits that no longer serve you is not a quick process or an easy fix - but it is all worth it!  If you are hungry for change and ready to walk in your own revelation of time and the fullness of life you were made for, I welcome you to the next phase of your journey and I’m honored to have you join the ranks of the Time Rebel elite. The first stop down the rabbit hole, recognize you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Time does not control you, it is a tool and resource you have dominion over.  Let’s roll!

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